
Thursday, October 25, 2007

October Fifth Tuesday Forum

The October Fifth Tuesday Forum will be Wednesday, October 31st at 7:00 p.m. in Room B of the Oshkosh Public Library. It is a Wednesday night due to a city budget workshop on the 30th. I hope to see you there.


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Out of control

I had hoped never to post something like this, but, unfortunately, the time has come for me to set parameters on all future discussions here on Bain-Blog.

Until now, I have allowed individuals to freely discuss topics, even those unrelated to the topic at hand. I was proud of the fact that this blog, unlike others, was a place where discussions and disagreements could take place in an adult manner without the constant cut and paste, disrespectful comments and child-like behavior. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.

Starting today, all posts must relate to the topic at hand. If not, I will delete it. If this becomes too much of a problem, I will be required to moderate posts, which I really do not want to do. I also do not want to require Blogger registration prior to posting comments, but will implement it if necessary.

Please contact me if you have a topic or issue you would like to discuss. I cannot promise I will create a discussion topic about it, but will give it full consideration.
