City Manager Search and Community Meetings
It has been reported by The Northwestern and Babblemur, a member of Citizens for Representative Democracy, or CORD, that a petition drive for a direct referendum to change the form of government has ended. Additionally, The Northwestern has opined that the council should now move forward with finding a firm to coordinate the search for a new city manager. I agree.
I was willing to wait to move forward with finding a search firm until after the mid-January deadline for a referendum had passed. I felt as though the council could use the time between now and mid-January to hold community meetings regarding what citizens wanted in city leadership and vision, and wanted to leave the meetings "generic" enough to encompass both strong-mayor and city manager forms of government.
When I initiated the community meetings discussion at the previous council meeting, it was asked if the council should hold these meetings or should such meetings be part of what the council expects of a professional search firm. I felt, at that time, since the council was willing to wait until mid-January to move forward, the community could benefit from such meetings, regardless of the form of government.
Since the referendum drive has ended, however, I feel as though the council should move forward with a discussion on a professional search firm, including whether facilitating community meetings on leadership and vision should be conducted by the firm or the council (or both). Therefore, I have noticed on the December 11th council meeting agenda a discussion on hiring a professional search firm, so the council can begin to discuss how we want to move forward with a city manager search, including the community meetings piece.
I welcome your thoughts.
I was willing to wait to move forward with finding a search firm until after the mid-January deadline for a referendum had passed. I felt as though the council could use the time between now and mid-January to hold community meetings regarding what citizens wanted in city leadership and vision, and wanted to leave the meetings "generic" enough to encompass both strong-mayor and city manager forms of government.
When I initiated the community meetings discussion at the previous council meeting, it was asked if the council should hold these meetings or should such meetings be part of what the council expects of a professional search firm. I felt, at that time, since the council was willing to wait until mid-January to move forward, the community could benefit from such meetings, regardless of the form of government.
Since the referendum drive has ended, however, I feel as though the council should move forward with a discussion on a professional search firm, including whether facilitating community meetings on leadership and vision should be conducted by the firm or the council (or both). Therefore, I have noticed on the December 11th council meeting agenda a discussion on hiring a professional search firm, so the council can begin to discuss how we want to move forward with a city manager search, including the community meetings piece.
I welcome your thoughts.
One way to interpret your current position is now that there will be no Mayor vs. Manager action indicated by citizens; there is now no need for formal City Council lead citizen input into leadership needs and other factors important for selecting the new Manager.
Leave it up to the consultants, just like the School Board did...oh ya…that's not a good example.
Consultants aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be. Again, ask the school board.
We need a no-nonsense City Manager who has the best interest of Oshkosh residents and taxpayers as priority #1. A case could be made that our last Manager had a “good heart” but was influenced far too much by special interests and city employees.
A priority topic for the new Manager would be to reign in the run-away healthcare costs associated with the net tax burden placed on property tax payers in Oshkosh. Continuing to fund 95% of employee healthcare means the vast majority of city taxes go to wages and benefits, verses community needs and quality of life projects within Oshkosh.
If a more common 80% funded healthcare plan was inacted, there would be money to fund open police and fire positions. Money would exist to aid goose poop removal in the parks. Money would be available to fill open librarian positions and maybe reinstitute the Bookmobile. Many many quality of life projects could be tackled.
We need a strong city Manager who can stand up to the demands of the union employee base.
If the city employees feel they are treated unfair by adjusting their heathcare to a 80/20 plan, they can leave and find a job in the private sector. Then they will appreciate how nice a 80/20 plan actually is.
Anonymous, at December 06, 2007 10:31 AM
This would only serve to increase the cost of hiring a new manager.
We have a very qualified personnel department that already gets paid to do this work.
An effective way to keep costs down would be to advertise for resumes and let the city's own personnel department review resumes,conduct the necessary background checks and set up the interviews like they do for any other city hirings.
We hired a police chief through this process and this is the same process that sould be used to hire
a new city manager.
Consulting firms are very expensive and would be a waste of taxpayer money.
Anonymous, at December 06, 2007 10:44 AM
Consulting firm? Consult what?
What we do need is an executive recruiting agency to bring eligible candidates to Oshkosh. The recruit people with the talents, skills and leadership we are looking for in a City Manager. Someone with a backround in economic development would be a good place to start.
CJ, at December 06, 2007 12:13 PM
NO professional search firm
WHY would the council want to use a professional search firm?
WHOSE pockets will the taxpayers dollar line with the extra fees?
WHY can’t we use the city’s own personnel department?
This appears to be another case of micromanaging.
HOW did we hire the new police Chief? The TOP COP for the city of Oshkosh was hired through the regular hiring process.
How are we hiring a new city attorney? traffic engineer? or finance manager? The process for the new city manager should be no different.
When one considers the track record of this council and it's willingness to micro-manage city business, this is the more expensive option.
We have a personnel department that gets paid some hefty salaries, let them do their job.
Oshkosh politicians do NOT have a very good track record when it comes to hiring consultants and actually using the consultants recommendations. The OASD hired a facilities consultants and spent some BIG $$$ only to ignore the recommendations and set out to create the chaos we have now.
Let us remind the council that the matter of recruiting the next city manager will be no small task but it is no bigger task than hiring a new Police Chief. This council does NOT have an open check-book for this hiring process.
Did you hire a consultant to evaluate or fire the former city manager?
This council fired the old one and this council with the assistance of the citys’ human resources department should hire the new one.
Final thought; the task may be simpler then you think…
Mr. Fitzpatrick seems to be doing a great job as acting city manager. In a short time under difficult circumstances this man has shown the citizens of Oshkosh his true “Grit”.
He has some excellent leadership qualities this position needs, and he is no stranger to Oshkosh politics.
Maybe all we need to hire is a new Human Resources Manager.
Anonymous, at December 06, 2007 1:38 PM
A few observations about some of these comments.
A. The personnel department can not hire the city manager. That would be in effect hiring their own boss.
B. Bain did not say he was opposed to a formal discussion that solicited citizen input. Please read his entire posting again.
Anonymous, at December 06, 2007 3:30 PM
1:38 said:
"Mr. Fitzpatrick seems to be doing a great job as acting city manager. In a short time under difficult circumstances this man has shown the citizens of Oshkosh his true “Grit”.
He has some excellent leadership qualities this position needs, and he is no stranger to Oshkosh politics.
Maybe all we need to hire is a new Human Resources Manager."
The LAST thing we need here is another re-tooled city insider.
We need someone to bring an outside perspective into Oshkosh. We need someone to totally evaluate the current practices and implement changes rather than continuing to do things "the way we've always done them"
We need fresh blood. When Bill F. was replaced with Dick W. you got someone with little professional experence, expected to be a CEO of an organization with 600 employees.
Dick clearly did not have the attributes for that task.
We should not make the same mistake twice.
Anonymous, at December 07, 2007 7:07 AM
Both Bill F. and Dick W. served this city very well for years with little professional experence,
AND we didn't need any outside firm and spend extra $$$ to hire them.
I agree an effective way to keep costs down would be to advertise for resumes and let the city's own personnel department review resumes,conduct the necessary background checks and set up the interviews.
Let the personnel department can do all the puliminary work and pick the top 3 candidates then turn the process over to the Council for the final decision.
We don't need to hire any consultants or staffing agency.
Anonymous, at December 07, 2007 4:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Both Bill F. and Dick W. served this city very well for years with little professional experence,
And that fact is a contributing factor into why Oshkosh is what it is today...the arm-pit of the Fox Valley.
We need PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP...not a re-tread from the good ol' boys club.
Anonymous, at December 07, 2007 8:53 PM
Or you could have the people "elect" the city manager. Maybe you could call the position a "Mayor" instead of city manager, just for fun.
Ron, at December 07, 2007 10:38 PM
hiring a professional search firm...
is outsourcing jobs... if you want to outsource jobs than get rid of Human Resources Department. Then and only than does it make any sense to hire a professional search firm. Plus we could save of the cost of the benefits.
To outsource the hiring of the city manager and keep the human resources department you are double dipping taxpayer cost.
Anonymous, at December 08, 2007 10:23 AM
(I don't know if this posted, so I'm resubmitting. Sorry if it's a duplication.)
Please let me explain the reason that I think the city should utilize an executive recruitment firm.
When the Council was soliciting applicants for the "interim" city manager their results were so unsatisfactory that they had to extend the length of their search. One of the applicants said he was asked to apply for the position. He was, at first glance the only candidate worthy of real consideration. The other candidates had obvious issues. And that was the result of a couple of months search.
A good recruitment firms cost should pay for itself. They have the networking experience to recruit talent. The person selected as city manager must have the leadership, vision and enough economic development experience to bring investment and growth to Oshkosh. That alone would offset recruitment fees.
"This appears to be another case of micromanaging. HOW did we hire the new police Chief? The TOP COP for the city of Oshkosh was hired through the regular hiring process.
How are we hiring a new city attorney? traffic engineer? or finance manager? The process for the new city manager should be no different."
Micromanaging? No. The new city manager will serve the city council. They need to recruit from the widest, most talented pool of applicants possible.
And the process IS different for hiring a city manager because the police chief, fire chief, city works dept., attorneys and all the rest of the departments report to him. He, in turn reports to the council.
CJ, at December 08, 2007 3:56 PM
new city manager will serve the city council. EH?
Who elects the council?
This council and the city manager serve the taxpayers/citizens of the Oshkosh community.
The city manager through good leadership works WITH department heads.
Very seldom do outsiders succeed in a community the size of Oshkosh.
NUMBER 1 concern outsiders are not trusted by the general population.
Without trust no leader can lead.
$40,000 is a lot of money to blow away needlessly!
This council was elected to do a job. They have a well qualified personnel staff to serve in this endeavor without spending $40,000!
Anonymous, at December 09, 2007 9:19 AM
"enough economic development experience to bring investment and growth to Oshkosh."
Isn't that why we have Chamco and Oshkosh Area Economic Development Corporation?
We are hiring ONE city manager not a committee to solve all the problems of the city.
We are hiring ONE person... NOT God or a "Savior".
Anonymous, at December 09, 2007 9:37 AM
"hiring a professional search outsourcing jobs... if you want to outsource jobs than get rid of Human Resources Department."
A recruitment firm is not a human resource department. They perform distinctly different functions.
"new city manager will serve the city council. EH? Who elects the council? TAXPAYERS
This council and the city manager serve the taxpayers/citizens of the Oshkosh community."
Well, no kidding. But thank you for highlighting that point. It is an important one.
"The city manager through good leadership works WITH department heads."
Yes. But they report to the city manager. The city manager sets their standards of performance and has the ability to hire/fire them.
"Very seldom do outsiders succeed in a community the size of Oshkosh.
NUMBER 1 concern outsiders are not trusted by the general population."
This precisely the type of narrow mindedness and limited perspective that inhibits progress in Oshkosh. It's troublesome and very dissapointing. Please understand that I'm not saying we must not hire an insider, but to dismiss outside experience greatly limits our options. Why would we want to do that?
"Both Bill F. and Dick W. served this city very well for years with little professional experence,
AND we didn't need any outside firm and spend extra $$$ to hire them."
Not to be unkind, but I don't think we've achieved the levels of progress we've envisioned. I will leave it at that.
"$40,000 is a lot of money to blow away needlessly!"
Where did that number come from?
""enough economic development experience to bring investment and growth to Oshkosh."
Isn't that why we have Chamco and Oshkosh Area Economic Development Corporation?"
Yes, it is why we have them. What concerns me is that we don't truly have one person to coordinate and be responsible for economic development. We have a public/private conglomeration of organizations including OAEDC, CHAMCO, (loosely affiliated with a protectionist Chamber of Commerce), the Department of Community Development. Plan Commisson, Redevelopment Authority and BID. What one person is in charge of the functions of the the multiple organizations? How are they integrated and how they are implemented within Oshkosh's Economic Development Vision? How is the value of public funding evaluated? Who's accountable?
Basically- who's in charge? Right now- no one.
Maybe we need to consolidate and restructure our economic development system. Then hire a city manger who specializes in economic development with the vision, experience and leadership to recruit investors and developers to the city while managing city staff.
Savior- no. Skilled, dynamic leader- yes.
CJ, at December 09, 2007 12:01 PM
"$40,000 is a lot of money to blow away needlessly!" that would be in addition to the $23,000 to get rid of Mr. Wollangk.
Where do these numbers come from?
The Northwestern
Anonymous, at December 10, 2007 9:00 AM
"What concerns me is that we don't truly have one person to coordinate and be responsible for economic development.
We have a public/private conglomeration of organizations including OAEDC, CHAMCO, (loosely affiliated with a protectionist Chamber of Commerce), the Department of Community Development. Plan Commisson, Redevelopment Authority and BID. What one person is in charge of the functions of the multiple organizations?
How are they integrated and how they are implemented within Oshkosh's Economic Development Vision? How is the value of public funding evaluated? Who's accountable?"
I do believe that only the Department of Community Development, its department head and employees are under the direction of the City Manager.
The planning Commission is a advisory board that can only review and recommend.
The City Manager does not nor would have any control over the rest of the conglomeration of organizations.
Each one of the organizations has their own Executive Directors, CEO or President.
Links for further information are available through the city website.
NON are under the direction a the City Manger.
Anonymous, at December 10, 2007 9:18 AM
from sunday's news acticle...
Mayor Frank Tower said the firm is expected to cost anywhere from $30,000 to $40,000 depending on how much the search firm does for the council.
Anonymous, at December 10, 2007 9:21 AM
Maybe we need to consolidate and restructure our economic development system.
Good Luck at retooling the BASIC
structure of business in Oshkosh.
The Chamber of Commence, Chamco, the BID board ETC
They welcome your expertise.
Anonymous, at December 10, 2007 11:03 AM
"The City Manager does not nor would have any control over the rest of the conglomeration of organizations.
Each one of the organizations has their own Executive Directors, CEO or President."
That is my point. Each one is doing their own thing without a unified focus.
"Good Luck at retooling the BASIC
structure of business in Oshkosh.
The Chamber of Commence, Chamco, the BID board ETC
They welcome your expertise."
Sounds like no new ideas will be accepted. The way the city works is set in stone. I don't have expertise in city government and economic development. I do have re-organizational skills and ideas.
Forgive my enthusiasm for seeing how things could be made more streamlined and efficient. I know you see things differently.
If your minds are completely made up then growth will come more slowly. Good luck indeed.
CJ, at December 10, 2007 5:14 PM
Review what this process has cost the city already... just to get rid of and replace one man.
6 months severance pay
legal costs $23K
additional legal fees $1700
advertising costs for the scratched interim postion cost unknown
Now council wants to increase staff salary's PLUS hire a special firm at a possible cost of $30,000 to $40,000
Explain how you think is a wise use of taxpayer dollars?
Anonymous, at December 11, 2007 7:14 AM
move forward with a DISCUSSION on a professional search firm,
Yes, discussion should be on the PRUDENT use of taxpayer dollars.
If you truly believe that city staff are "doing a good job" per your statement on WOSH this morning; there should be no need to seek a professional search firm.
City staff is fully capable of proceding with this process without extra costs and we already pay them. Council can get the same results without a professional search firm charging $20,000 to $40,000.
Anonymous, at December 11, 2007 10:00 AM
"City staff is fully capable of proceding with this process without extra costs and we already pay them. Council can get the same results without a professional search firm..."
I understand your points about the need to use tax payers dollars wisely.
I hope you are right.
But please recall what great results we got with our search for an interim city manger.
Somebody had to go out and ask people in the community to apply because the candidate pool was so weak.
CJ, at December 11, 2007 10:47 AM
Mr. Bain,
Thank you for giving all of us an arena to express our thoughts and debate the merits of how to conduct the search for city manger.
Even though it seems that we have divided camps, it is wonderful to hear everyones views. We all want what's best for our city. We just have different views on how the achieve the end goals.
Let our past experience guide is in making the correct decision.
Please everyone, let's keep our options open and consider what return we get when we invest in our city leaders.
Whatever direction the council decides to take, please don't delay recruiting until next year.
Thank you and stay warm everyone!
CJ, at December 11, 2007 12:53 PM
Recalling the results we got with our search for an interim city manager,and the supposed candidate pool being weak.
What makes you think that throwing $30K to $40K at a professional firm will garner any better results.
Remember candidates will do their homework. Who would want to enter the hornets nest at 215 Church Street for a measly $110,000
a year? We may have to add combat pay. The more qualified/
experienced the candidate the higher the salary. When you list all the qualities you are looking for in a new city manager are you prepared to spend the additional $$ it will take to retain him/her.
Thanks for the forum Bryan.
YES I can agree DO NOT DELAY Let's fill the vacancy ASAP
Anonymous, at December 11, 2007 2:18 PM
Mr. Bain-
Did we employ a firm to help us with the interim city manager search? Or was the search done exclusively with city staff?
CJ, at December 12, 2007 6:01 PM
While there are many good suggestions here, face it folks it's unlikely any of them will be taken into consideration. The Council is going to do whatever they alone decide to do. We do not have a true representative form of municipal government, more a corporation. Unless you are a major shareholder (interpret as you wish) your opinion is worth squat! Save the money on a search as chances are the position will be filled from within. Dept. Heads and their top guns are making the rules and I don't foresee this changing, after all is anyone ever going to have the courage or BE encouraged to change that? I doubt it.
Anonymous, at December 13, 2007 12:22 PM
Anonymous said:
"One way to interpret your current position is now that there will be no Mayor vs. Manager action indicated by citizens; there is now no need for formal City Council lead citizen input into leadership needs and other factors important for selecting the new Manager."
No, no, that's not what I meant. The council MUST play an ACTIVE role, however, can utilize the search firm's experience and expertise in conducting the meetings.
Babblemur said:
"Or you could have the people "elect" the city manager. Maybe you could call the position a "Mayor" instead of city manager, just for fun."
Very clever! :)
Anonymous said:
"Review what this process has cost the city already... just to get rid of and replace one man.
6 months severance pay
legal costs $23K
additional legal fees $1700 advertising costs for the scratched interim postion cost unknown
Now council wants to increase staff salary's PLUS hire a special firm at a possible cost of $30,000 to $40,000
Explain how you think is a wise use of taxpayer dollars?"
I believe the costs associated with Mr. Wollangk's retirement have been made public - on several occasions - and, respectfully, am not going to re-hash them here.
Hiring a new city manager is unlike any search the city has conducted in recent history. The city manager is the CEO of our "organization" (the city).
Personally, I want to attract the most highly trained, educated and experienced candidates, from a nationwide pool, and do not feel as though that could be accomplished without the expertise and knowledge of a professional city manager/executive search firm. We owe it to the citizens of Oshkosh to recruit, interview and hire the best possible candidate. As CJ said, "a good recruitment firms cost should pay for itself."
As for adjusting Acting City Manager Fitzpatrick's salary, it is the right thing to do. He is fulfilling two positions, and took on the Acting City Manager position under extremely difficult times, thus he deserves to be adequately compensated for it.
CJ said:
"Thank you for giving all of us an arena to express our thoughts and debate the merits of how to conduct the search for city manger."
You're welcome.
CJ said:
"Did we employ a firm to help us with the interim city manager search? Or was the search done exclusively with city staff?"
No, we did not employ a firm, and this is an example why I believe hiring a city manager/executive search firm is in the city's best interest.
A professional firm, specifically one that focuses solely on city manager searches, knows the candidates and candidate pool. They can help facilitate city-wide meetings on leadership and vision, and take that information out to the "circuit" of city manager candidates. Advertising in the Oshkosh Northwestern and on the city's Web site is not going to cut it.
I appreciate everyones participation in this discussion. I hope it continues as the city moves forward with the search and selection process.
Bryan L. Bain, at December 13, 2007 4:33 PM
I am till NOT convinced the taxpayers will accept the recommendation from a Professional city manager/executive search firm. Especially when we weigh out ALL the costs assorted with the entire process. Councilors may except a firm but they aren't paying the bill.
Example the $$$ spent by the OASB to bring Mr. Helliman(sp) to Oshkosh. We had the professional firm expenses plus school board member expenses to traveled to Texas for the interview process.
If you truly find the "Savior" for the city; He/She will ask for a substanially higher salary plus moving expenses.
You have agreed to hire the professionally firm for the search.
Let them conduct the search ONLY we DO NOT need paid facilitators to conduct city-wide meetings on leadership and vision.. also tried and failed by the OASB.
We can accomplish discussions in the council chambers in the form of a workshop without cost to taxpayers.
Anonymous, at December 14, 2007 10:06 AM
I see this council operating similiar to the university if we can't get the job done with one person let's hire 2 to sit around and work half time and let's call it colaboration time.
I see them spending dollars like they have an open check book
just like most universities, politicians and govermentoffices.
We don't need more ways to spend the dollars we need to find ways to SAVE $$.
I agree this council could care less about our opinions but since they continue to carry on discussions we need to continue to give our opinions.
Anonymous, at December 14, 2007 10:12 AM
Citizen Search Committee, why can't one be put together to look for a new city manager?
Instead of using MS King and Ms. Brinkman and MR. La Fontane to develop a the RFP let them serve as the Search Committee.
Anonymous, at December 14, 2007 10:36 AM
gldrip said:
"Councilors may except a firm but they aren't paying the bill."
Actually, we will be helping pay the bill because all seven of us live in the city and pay city taxes just like you.
Anonymous said:
"Citizen Search Committee, why can't one be put together to look for a new city manager?"
Citizens will be involved in identifying what leadership qualities they want to see in the next city manager. This is extremely important as it will set the direction for the search firm.
Bryan L. Bain, at December 14, 2007 11:25 AM
special firm at a possible cost of $30,000 to $40,000??
Is it a professional firm you will hire OR a "professors" firm?
Explain how you think is a wise use of taxpayer dollars?
Why can't the council TRY the same approach they did for the interim
Many believe you didn't get the responses you desired because it was for a "temporary" postion.
Anonymous, at December 17, 2007 3:05 PM
Anonymous said:
"Is it a professional firm you will hire OR a "professors" firm?
Explain how you think is a wise use of taxpayer dollars?
Why can't the council TRY the same approach they did for the interim
My preference is a professional firm with experience in hiring a city manager, and I hope the rest of the council would agree.
As I already stated (see above posting), I do not believe the city has the expertise, knowledge or tools to conduct the type of nationwide search we could get from a professional firm. This is not a slam on our personnel department - they do a wonderful job at hiring city staff - but the city manager search is unlike all other searches and should be treated appropriately.
I appreciate the suggestion regarding the council coordinating the search, however, given our prior performance at it, I feel its safe to say we need the help of a professional firm.
Bryan L. Bain, at December 17, 2007 5:08 PM
For discussion ONLY
Bryan, is he qualified or not?
The general consensus from council and the community "seems" to be that Mr. Fitzpatrick is doing a good job as acting city manager.
Mr. Fitzpatrick has stated he is not sure he will apply for the position. Should'nt the council get a firm answer from him?
If interested this council could offer him a one year contract as City Manager.
The council could at least look at this man’s qualifications BEFORE we spend the money to hire a search firm?
Will this council spend 30Kto40K on a search firm before considering this man and his qualifications? Mr. Fitzpatrick has served the city well with his leadership skills and really "seems" to have a good handle on the direction the city needs to grow.
If we can save some money in this process shouldn’t it be considered FIRST?
Anonymous, at January 09, 2008 9:26 AM
Anonymous said:
"Bryan, is he qualified or not? Will this council spend 30Kto40K on a search firm before considering this man and his qualifications? If we can save some money in this process shouldn’t it be considered FIRST?"
It would be inappropriate for me to specifically comment on Mr. Fitzpatrick's qualifications, especially if he were to end up submitting his name as a candidate for the city manager position.
Generally speaking, I will be looking for the professional education, training and progressive career experience necessary to lead our city.
As for a professional/executive search firm, let me again say I want to attract the most highly trained, educated and experienced candidates, from a nationwide pool, and do not feel as though that could be accomplished without the expertise and knowledge of a professional city manager/executive search firm.
I feel it is in the best interest of the citizens of Oshkosh to recruit, interview and hire the best possible candidate, and that process should not begin until after we hire a search firm, conduct community meetings, post a job description/announcement and solicit candidate applications.
Bryan L. Bain, at January 09, 2008 9:48 PM
So much for looking for ways to save the city/taxpayer $$$
Door Closed to "prudent" spending.
Anonymous, at January 10, 2008 9:18 AM
I too think we need a "firm answer" from Mr. Fitzpatrick. The City is spending a lot of money on a search when in fact it's quite possible Mr. Fitzpatrick will apply and if so will be accepted based on the fact he's one of the gang. Perhaps prior to the search, this should have been dealt with. The City already has established a track record of hiring from within even though the citizens have often preferred another candidate, e.g. Police Chief; those spots filled without a vote from the public at large with only certain groups having Council representation. True, a job announcement is a necessary formality but an expensive search without enough information, well one has to question. Of course I'm hoping for the best...but the history is there; our opinion is all too often not a consideration. Thank you.
Anonymous, at January 10, 2008 9:19 AM
I don't see hiring a search firm as wasteful spending. In fact, I see it as "prudent" spending! It is an investment that Oshkosh will reap the benefits from when a professional City Manager is hired! Fitzpatrick is a good guy and makes a good interim City Manager, but is not qualified to be the full-time City Manager. If the Council hires him, then why did they make Wollangk retire?
new oshkosh
Anonymous, at January 10, 2008 10:52 AM
an expensive search without enough information, well one has to question???
Of course I'm hoping for the best...but the history is there; our opinion is all too often ignored.
Thank you.
Anonymous, at January 10, 2008 11:25 AM
With that $1,000.00 a month raise, Fitzpatrick better be doing something.
He now makes well over $100,000.00. That's about 3 times more than the average individual tax payer makes in this town. So this guy and everybody else on the city dole better be performing for their pay!!!
Anonymous, at January 13, 2008 9:13 AM
We could just give Mr Fitzpatrick the other 10K we paid Wollangk and have a new city manager.
Save the 30k to $40,000 the council wants spend to hire a search team.
Anonymous, at January 14, 2008 9:55 AM
Nothing about Fitzpatrick makes me think he'd do any better than Wollangk. In fact, they seem in many ways very similar. We need somebody who can come into city hall and kick butt. The entire city corporation needs a major shake-up. Too many employees (managers and workers) have this entitlement mentality. These people need to be shown that they can be replaced. They need to start to crank up there effort and performance.
There's an old saying-
"A new broom sweeps clean."
We need a new broom at city hall.
Anonymous, at January 16, 2008 6:52 AM
A "new broom..." indeed! However, will that be allowed? Who would be agressive enough to more or less defy the power groups? It would be nice if the public could see the job posting. If it's sugar coated, eliminating any reference to job accountability problems, then I would hope a quality person would do their homework and give any possible limitations serious consideration. Fitzpatrick is a "nice guy" from what I've heard but he too is hardly likely to change the "inmates taking over the prison" situation we know have. Will anyone be? One can hope.
Anonymous, at January 16, 2008 8:59 AM
We hire a new manager with a 1 or 2year contract. Any candidate with substantial experience and skills will ask for MORE than we paid Mr Wollangk.
A candidate worth anything will not come to Oshkosh useless we offer guarantees.
Contracts are broken every year but companies are ready to give up a severance package.
Anonymous, at January 16, 2008 4:42 PM
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