Statement text
As indicated in an article in today's Oshkosh Northwestern, I will be attending tonight's closed session meeting. Below is the text of the statement I gave at last night's council meeting.
I also would like to thank those who have offered their support and encouragement during the past two weeks.
There has been a lot of discussion concerning my participation in the deliberations regarding the City Manager. Unfortunately, some issues have become unclear, and I would like to clarify some concerns that have been raised.
I want to make it clear that it was my decision to leave the July 30th closed session. My decision was based on the advice of the council’s attorney. I was advised not to participate due to public statements I made regarding city leadership. Given that advice, I felt at that time the best decision possible was to leave the meeting. I was not kicked out, and there are no laws that prevent me from attending and participating.
I will, however, be participating in tomorrow’s closed session, where I have been informed that the council will review a possible alternative resolution.
I also would like to thank those who have offered their support and encouragement during the past two weeks.
What an outstanding council meeting last night. Again we had some excellent discussion and comments from all six of the council members present. Frank, Burk, Tony, Paul, Dennis and Bryan all made good points at one time or another during the meeting.
I congratulate this group for turning up the pressure on city staff (Wollangk). At several points, our council members needed to go back and drag the information out of Wollangk, but they ended up receiving the info they needed. A good example of that was when McHugh was discussing the water utility. Wollangk kept going back to the statement that the “utility” was not on the property tax roll so therefore it wasn’t a concern. McHugh kept pressing him and Wollangk finally, reluctantly admitted that although the utility isn’t on property taxes, the cost of the utility is born by the users and is an expense Oshkosh residents need to budget for. McHugh’s comment of “Smoke and Mirrors” was right on target. Just because the cost isn’t on you property taxes, doesn’t mean that as a separate water/sewer bill Oshkosh residents don’t care about those costs.
The votes were also split in the short meeting. One vote was 6-6. Another was 4-2. It’s good to see that dynamics of this council are not “canned”. You never know how the vote will come down. You never can place most of these council members in a compartment and expect they will always take the same side or align their votes with a specific cause.
I applaud Palmeri for taking the approach on the Mayor’s appointment. He brought out some great comments and this is one of the first occasions I’ve ever encountered a Mayors recommendation for a committee appointment being deigned.
I also can see that due to budget issues, a further belt tightening will be coming soon. It sure appears that the rising cost of healthcare and wage increases are making for few options other than staff reductions. Tough decisions ahead.
I again could quite easily see that Wollangk is much too protective of all city staff. He jumped on McHugh for even suggesting possible staff reductions at the water plant. He also tried to make it seem like the city healthcare plan was not great by mentioning it WASN’T a “Cadillac” plan.
Well Dick, I’m sorry to bring this slice of reality into your world, but city employees have a far better plan than any Oshkosh industry I’m aware of.
I congratulate the council. I’m glad to hear Bryan will be back in the City Manager discussions. I hope that the result of the discussions are a new leader for Oshkosh!!
Anonymous, at August 15, 2007 8:30 AM
Dennis McHugh showed how out of touch he is with the budget process last night by not understanding, until Wollangk TOLD him, how the utilities are not part of the tax levy. It wasn't a ken politician asking tough questions, it was someone who was completely in the dark (McHugh) embarrassing himself. You could see on his face when the lightbulb finally did come on.
If there is one person on the council I am disappointed in, it's McHugh. People think he asks tough questions. He asks stupid questions!
I propose this to help save some money: Dennis should volunteer to donate some of his free time to the city to work on electrical projects. The city would not have to pay any wages and benefits to him. It would be a great place to start saving the taxpayers some money.
Anonymous, at August 15, 2007 9:36 AM
You can join the basher list, but i contend McHugh, along with Palmeri, Esslinger, and Bain posed some excellent questions. Yes he is not always the most eloquent speaker, but he is never shy.
He truly lives the commonly mentioned statement…"No question is a silly one".
He is asking the questions many of us voters are also at home thinking about.
You can bash him as much as you'd like, but I will never condemn any of our elected officials from posing tough questions to our city staff.
Thanks Bryan, Paul, Dennis, Burk, Frank and Tony! You had a good night.
Anonymous, at August 15, 2007 9:53 AM
There is a difference between asking a tough question and asking one you should know the answer to. I don't agree there is no such thing as a silly question. If you should know the answer, your question is silly. If you don't know the answer to something so obvious, ask it outside of the public forum, so you don't make yourself look bad. Dennis does plenty of this. Scheuermann did enough of it that it cost her the last election.
"There's no such thing as a silly question" is a crutch for people who have a propensity for asking silly questions. That's why McHugh lives by it.
Anonymous, at August 15, 2007 10:09 AM
10:09 you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine.
I believe McHugh is a valuable addition to the council who speaks for a large segment of the population in Oshkosh. I expect you'd disagree.
Anonymous, at August 15, 2007 10:38 AM
I as a supervisor, I often told my employees "There is no such thing as a stupid question. I would rather answer a stupid/silly question than fix a stupid mistake."
DID you ever think that Dennis's questions while silly to you actually do clear up questions other taxpayers may have?
Good Job Dennis keep asking????
Anonymous, at August 15, 2007 10:51 AM
While there is no such thing as a stupid question, ones questions may expose ones lack of knowledge on a subject. This is the second budget Dennis has been through. To not know the water utility is not part of the operating budget shows a true lack of understanding of the budget process. Quite embarrassing for him. Dennis is in way over his head. I almost feel bad for him. He sits up there with a deer in the head lights look on his face. Poor fellow.
Anonymous, at August 16, 2007 2:29 PM
2:29 (Miles)
Broadening your hate speech I see. For the longest time it was Esslinger who was at the brunt of your rage; now it appears it’s McHugh's turn in your petty little “Miles Mill”…or is that better stated Miles "River Mill"???
You are irrelevant. Release your anger and go for a walk!
Anonymous, at August 16, 2007 6:24 PM
It shows your complete lack of grasp on reality when you suggest the comments against your heros are made by a handful of people. It demonstrates you are as clueless as those idols you serve. Hold on to that mindset. It may help you remember the good times as you see his vote totals next spring fall as Esslinger's have each time he runs.
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 8:49 AM
Oh I think my sense of reality is spot on.
There are a few well-healed residents living in a river front subdivision who are just spitting mad about a recent turn of events. These self indulged folks want to run Paul out of town on a rail because he had the gall to listen to another less wealthy constituent who requested he look into why this river front subdivision was able to avoid a construction project that he and his modest neighbors had to except.
Paul did as he was asked. After much discussion, he was joined by three other elected officials and a problem was corrected.
Now, because "they" lost, they wage wrath on Paul and others who voted for this corrective action.
Just like Bryan Bain’s action in standing up and making a statement about our lack of leadership in Oshkosh; Paul stood up for a common homeowner in the face of the wealthy shadow-government enclave. I think they both won support from the vast majority of Oshkosh voters!
Keep questioning things Paul and Bryan!
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 9:54 AM
You'd like to believe it's about sidewalks. It's about hypocrisy. It's about speaking out of boths sides of one's face. It's about wearing one face one day and another the next, depending on the issue. And your comments show your brain cells to be limited in their functionality. You think only a handful of people despise Paul Esslinger? Hardly. And his continued slippage at the polls shows it.
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 2:13 PM
My hunch is the Mr. Wollangk will remain in his position on a 4-3 Council vote. As far as his responsibilities of managing City staff, will there be change? After 11 years that's very questionable. I think we're going to end up with business as usual and perhaps in time some Dept. heads will simply disappear via attrition - then maybe.... Incidentally, I don't have any particular opinion about Dennis but some of the mudslinging reminds me of the way for Councilman Jungwirth was treated; mockingly called "lunchbox Joe". He was a good man who simply represented the working class, after all we do exist! Eloquence is not everyone's strong point; honesty, integrity are what's essential.
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 3:08 PM
Lets count the votes shall we.
Possibly for the status quo:
Burk Tower
Jess King
Possibly for change:
Bryan Bain
Dennis McHugh
Paul Esslinger
Tony Palmeri
The wild card:
Frank Tower
So 3:08. You said 4-3 in favor of Wollangk. How do you see the votes being cast?
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 4:55 PM
Go back to the "Questioning Everything" blog. Your Esslinger bashing fits in better there.
Bryan is a class act.
Bryan, Paul, Dennis, Frank and Tony are working hard for the average Oshkosh citizen. They don't favor special interest groups, the shadow government crew or wealthy entitled whiners.
Glad to see you're back in the mix with the City Manager discussions Bryan. Your desire for a significant change in City Leadership is a position held by many of us average folks.
Perhaps Wollangk deserves a decent severance package...but one things for certain, we deserve a far more decisive leader to move Oshkosh forward!
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 5:04 PM
I've heard Paul Esslinger is in jeopardy of not being re-elected. I guess that doesn't surprise me. He just doesn't have the same logic and common sense he used to. He grandstands, panders and loves to take a contrarian position. He uses and abuses his power and he's become a mean-spirited egomaniac filled with hypocrisy in his votes. Time to put him out to pasture. His working in cow country will make that easier.
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 7:28 PM
Bryan, it is certainly sad you have to tolerate Miles bashing Paul on your web-blog. Guess some people just are too childish to get over it and move on.
You, Paul, Frank, Tony and Dennis are doing a great job! Keep it up!
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 8:28 PM
Anonymous, it is certainly sad that you are so ignorant that you believe only a handful of people do not find Paul Esslinger to be a decent council person any more. It's really true when they say love is blind. I didn't think it was gullible and stupid too.
Anonymous, at August 17, 2007 11:08 PM
The editorial in yesterdays Northwestern points to another excellent example of why a change is needed in City leadership.
If change is to occur at City Hall, to make it more user friendly as the paper suggests, we would need a major shift in our city leadership.
Our current Manager would be more concerned about disrupting employee schedules than he would be worried about serving his customers (Oshkosh Taxpayers).
A firm, determined "Patton" style leader would do what it took and deal with the employees if they didn't want do their part.
In our lives business, industry and commerce, it's all about the customer. In Wollangks world it's all about not rocking the boat and cow-towing to the employees. I believe the Northwestern has picked up on this problem and feels we need change.
We need someone like Patton for our city manager and all be have is Beetle Bailey.
Anonymous, at August 18, 2007 8:27 AM
4:55: It's just a hunch re. perhaps another wild card. Playing my cards close to my vest on this...!:)
Anonymous, at August 18, 2007 8:34 AM
So 8:27 AM, did you accomplish anything with that post? I love how other ignorant posters talk about having a "Patton" in charge of Oshkosh, boy oh boy, then things will get done. Ya, right!!!!! No matter what the City Manager wants to accomplish the City Council has to bless it so count out the Pattons of the world, they would not have anything to do with this place. The Council always has the last word and always will. Ya, we got Beetle Bailey but he goes by a couple names in Oshkosh - McHugh, Esslinger, and if he doesn't get his act together soon, we can add Palmeri to the list as well.
Anonymous, at August 18, 2007 8:07 PM
8:07 (Miles)
Don't forget Frank. He was the fourth vote.
Even Bryan was against you. He just wanted even more.
BTW...did you look up the word Levy yet? You mustn't be getting too much action on your blog as you spend so much time on everyone else’s.
I think that makes you irrelevant.
In our lives business, industry and commerce, it's all about the customer. In Wollangks world it's all about not rocking the boat and cow-towing to the employees. I believe the Northwestern has picked up on this problem and feels we need change.
We need someone like Patton for our city manager and all be have is Beetle Bailey.
Anonymous, at August 18, 2007 9:13 PM
I love how other ignorant posters talk about having a "Patton" in charge of Oshkosh, boy oh boy, then things will get done. Ya, right!!!!! No matter what the City Manager wants to accomplish the City Council has to bless it so count out the Pattons of the world, they would not have anything to do with this place. The Council always has the last word and always will. Ya, we got Beetle Bailey but he goes by a couple names in Oshkosh - McHugh, Esslinger, and if he doesn't get his act together soon, we can add Palmeri to the list as well.
Anonymous, at August 18, 2007 10:36 PM
Good luck tomorow Bryan.
I hope you lead a majority vote to make the change at City Hall. I hope you can rally support of as many council members are needed to mandate a change in leadership at 215 Church Ave.
We support you Bryan!
Anonymous, at August 19, 2007 9:37 AM
Wish you well tomorrow Bryan in making an informed decision.
Just some information that seems not to get notice. One of the City Manager's "goals" was the suggestion box at City Hall. The suggestion box has been there for years! The only difference is it was moved from the counter by the handicapped ramp, across from the Mgr.'s office, to a table in front of his office. Yes, it's probably more noticeable, but a new "goal" accomplished, hardly. As one who made one and inserted into the receptacle provided, it was not followed through on; problems with Municipal Codes not being enforced, a common concern among those who obey and then have to put up with eyesores. Perhaps the goal should be to look these suggestons over and follow up on any action. This is a good example of Dept. accountability and what is believed to be Mr. W's reluctance to take the lead role as his postion dictates.
Anonymous, at August 19, 2007 4:44 PM
4:44- Just another great example of Wollangks inability to be a leader and hold his subordinates accountable. Rather than be their boss, he seems to want to be their friend. We as Oshkosh taxpayers deserve better. We need a leader. I don't know if the Patton reference is actually fitting, but George Patton certainly had many attributes that make a great leader. Do whats right tomorrow Bryan. Vote to dismiss Wollangk.
Anonymous, at August 19, 2007 6:10 PM
The fact that Bain is back in the discussions should make it obvious that termination is off the table. He'll either remain with some caveats to that or he'll decide to resign. My money's on the latter. But it would seem with Bain's participation that termination is no longer an option.
Anonymous, at August 19, 2007 10:20 PM
"Rather than be their boss, he seems to want to be their friend."
Ignorant comments like this drive me crazy. How do you know what kind of relationship Wollangk has with other department heads? I am not completely satisfied with the performance of city administration over the last couple of years, but to make a comment like this, or some other jarheads who make statements like some are just riding things out until they retire are unbelievable.
Anonymous, at August 20, 2007 11:07 AM
11:07 To understand more, look no further than the last council meeting when the discussion turned to the water plant. It was clear Wollangk was more concerned about not disrupting Water Plant employees than investigating ways of reducing water user costs.
This is not the first instance. Another example is when extended hours for City Hall was discussed. Again, Wollangk spoke very clearly about how it would burden the employees. He was clearly consumed with the employee aspect, not the "Customer" (taxpayer) aspect.
These are two documented occasions.
Wollangk gives the perception he cares more about employee appeasement that taxpayer/user accommodation…and perception is reality!
Anonymous, at August 20, 2007 5:13 PM
Congratulations to all 7 council members for unanimously agreeing to drive the change at City Hall. By your actions today, you’ve set the tone for progressive change to our City government. You have made it clear, in no uncertain terms; City Hall will not be conducting “business as usual”.
Your next task will be to select the next Oshkosh City Manager. Although no one disagrees that Mr. Wollangk was not deeply committed to Oshkosh, many would agree his leadership and managerial style was not in the best interests of the taxpayer. We now hope you approach Mr. Wollangks replacement in a systematic approach, and attempt to identify a strong willed, proven city planner and leader who will be able to take the change you’ve started this evening and drive it throughout the entire city administration.
Although it was undoubtedly a difficult task, you’ve all served your City well today.
Anonymous, at August 20, 2007 8:03 PM
Congratulations???? to all 7 council members for unanimously agreeing to drive a wedgie the size of the Fox River into the heart of Oshkosh. With these actions we will now have the same problem as the OASD no agreements, no direction,instead of a district
problem we can add city wide issues.
October 13 will be a sad day for the Oshkosh Community. Mr Wollangk
leaves some "big shoes" to fill
and this council will need to find support for their actions. Purposing a change in government at this time will only rip the city further apart. Change upon change will be the DOWNFALL of this council and the Community.
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 8:16 AM
8:16 (Miles)
I prefer to feel that our 7 council members drove that "wedgie" the size of the Fox River into the heart of the Good 'ol Boys Network and the administration in City Hall.
Time to shake up the Oshkosh Good 'ol Boys network and the status quo in city hall.
Simply outstanding!!
I do agree this council's got the stones to finally change Oshkosh for the better. They have a majority of votes who are not lap dogs to the status quo.
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 10:42 AM
My opinion is this.
I think there is strong validity to the City Manager method of city operations. I feel that because of the turmoil that occurred in 1996, most of the highly qualified applicants either withdrew their application, or chose not to apply because of the uncertainty of the time (City Manager vs Strong Mayor)
I feel Palmeri has a point in that we should move quickly to remove the question, before we attempt a nationwide City Manager search.
Ultimately my feeling is Oshkosh would be best served by a charismatic, strong, visionary, no-nonsense leader (some say Patton style) occupying the City Managers Office. We do not need another home town administrator in that role.
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 11:20 AM
Kent, Kent, Kent...or is it Paul, Paul, Paul (10:42)? You dopes really need to get a clue.
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 3:12 PM
The reason Wollangk "retired" is there were 4 votes to dismiss him. In the end, even those Councilors with ties to the "Good 'ol Boys" network voted for this removal.
Bet Richard was disapointed he lost his base support, even though it would have been a minority.
Thanks Bryan for driving this major change to Oshkosh government!
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 3:29 PM
Please enlighten me. I've never read/heard anything about 4 votes for dismissal. In fact, the proceedings of the closed meetings have not been revealed to my knowledge. I would like to know the source of this information simply for confirmation. The poster who mentioned that Bryan was back in the meetings as dismissal was not longer the subject I think had it right. If that's the case, then Richard had informed them of his intentions. The other possibility is that an deal was offered of termination or offer to resign/retire. Who knows? I think the editorial today regarding Richard was excellent. He did ther honorable thing. Now let's move on and figure out where we go from here.
Incidentally I was at City Hall today and spoke with someone in Comm. Plng. I was treated quite well; not so intimidating. The entire atmosphere on 2nd floor seemed more friendly than usual. Maybe just a coincidence, people on this best behavior, but it was a nice change and one I'd like to see continue.
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 3:55 PM
If as you say this council's got the stones to finally change Oshkosh for the better.
They could start by making sure the municipal codes on the books get enforced! Represent ALL the taxpayers in Oshkosh!
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 4:20 PM
If there weren't four votes in the bag to dismiss DIck, he would never have "retired".
The Wollangk era is over.
Now I wonder who might be next? Kinney? Kraft?
"A new broom sweeps clean"
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 4:34 PM
How does the council get rid of Kinney and/or Kraft? Neither of them work directly for the council? Think the interim manager will likely take that kind of action--I doubt that.
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 5:23 PM
Well 5:23 this is the way it works:
1) We obtain a new professional, skilled City Manager.
2) Upon beginning his new job, he takes stock of his resources and employees.
3) He evaluates the staff by past record, similar culture and general skills and abilities.
4) Then he keeps some and dismisses others.
5) He brings in people he trusts and can work with.
It happens all the time. A new boss brings in his own people. That's why the phrase was coined...
"A new broom sweeps clean"
Anonymous, at August 22, 2007 6:45 PM
With the way some on this council love to micro-manage, finding the kind of city manager some of you want and expect will never happen. Esslinger, McHugh and Palmeri don't want a strong manager. They'd rather have someone they can keep under their thumbs and show who's boss.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 7:14 AM
To 6:45 PM. You are correct in that is the way it could happen. But first, we have to find a new city manager. If we have a referendum on changing the form of government, that will postpone the search for a city manager for several months. If it passes and we elect a Mayor, it will be even longer before anything happens. It looks to me like Kinney, Kraft, will be with us for at least another year.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 8:58 AM
Some of the people on the Council when Wolangk was chosen:
Jon Dell'Antonia
Larry Spanbauer
John Stenz
Mayor William Castle
(Perhaps some may call these a few of the members of "The Good 'Ol Boy Network"??)
Comment made by Stephen Hintz regarding Wollangks selection:
"I think the city council did not do its job and I was very surprised at the choice,''
I guess many of us now echo Mr. Hintz statement.
Go to the Northwestern blog to read more.
Bryan, Frank, Tony, Dennis, Paul are not beholden to any special interest group, tossing incentives their way to influence their votes.
We have an EXCELLENT group on our council now. I have high confidence they will select an excellent City Manager to get Oshkosh back on track!
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 12:30 PM
"Please enlighten me. I've never read/heard anything about 4 votes for dismissal. In fact, the proceedings of the closed meetings have not been revealed to my knowledge. I would like to know the source of this information simply for confirmation."
Easy. Esslinger leaked to Monte.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 2:51 PM
An Esslinger leak to Monte is exceedingly easy to believe.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 3:25 PM
Geez 2:51, even you should be able to figure this out. If you have trouble, use your fingers.
It takes 4 votes to get anything done on the city council.
Wollangk would not have left if he didn't feel there were at least 4 council members prepared to vote to dismiss him.
So endith the reign of Richard Wollangk.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 3:27 PM
The poster wanted to know the source of the information. I don't doubt there were four who were willing to vote him out. How did the word leak? Esslinger leaked to Monte, who has diarrhea of the mouth.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 3:54 PM
Frank Tower seems to be a qualified leader as Mayor elected by the majority;
we shouls have him serve as interim CM/CEO/Strong Mayor whatever you want to call him. Let's give Frank a vote of confidence to go forward as our interim Leader. Who knows he may be just what the city needs.
Fill the vacant council seat with the candidate with the next highest votes in the last election.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 4:51 PM
You must have a Kool-Aid IV in your arm. Your consent whining about Paul Esslinger is pitiful.
Of course there were four votes ready, willing and able to be cast to dismiss Mr. Wollangk. It is clear by reading the quotes in the Northwestern that Mr. Wollangk would not have chosen to leave on his own free will if he didn’t realize this.
“We should not forget that Richard took the reins as city manager in a time of turmoil in the city and it is with that same sense of civil service and stewardship that Richard has agreed to step down now," Tower said in a statement after the meeting.
Again, the quote from Mayor Tower was …” Richard has agreed to step down now”
Now take a look at Burk Towers quote:
"These things are never pleasant … it’s been a difficult time for everybody, the council, the city manager and the city at large. We’ve reached an agreement and are trying to move forward now," said Councilor Burk Tower.
"These things are never pleasant … it’s been a difficult time for everybody”
If this were a standard “retirement” there would have been a party with a fairwell cake, laughing and jokes all around. This was simply not the case.
Mr. Wollangk “retired” because he knew if he didn’t he would be dismissed by at least 4 council votes.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 6:02 PM
Another member of the "good old boy network" that voted for Dick Wollangk for city manager was Melanie Bloechl. The vote for Dick was unanamous by the way.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 6:35 PM
Who else was on the council then?
I remember Jon Dellantonia, Bill Castle and Larry Spanbauer. All 3 on that same Good 'ol Boy crew.
Anonymous, at August 23, 2007 6:52 PM
Bloechl's vote for Wollangk derails that this was a good old boy move. Get over the conspiracy theories people.
Anonymous, at August 25, 2007 12:29 AM
Oh theres a Good 'ol Boy crew in this city that's for sure. Some call it the "Shadow Government"; and sure, Jon D, Bill C. and Larry S. might likely belong.
As far as Bloechl goes, I guess she made a stupid error in hindsight voting for Wollangk in 1996, but poor judgement on one vote doesn't make her a card carrying member of the "GOB" crew!
Anonymous, at August 25, 2007 4:50 PM
She belongs to her own shadow government. Many figure she's been behind Esslinger's votes for years.
Anonymous, at August 25, 2007 10:55 PM
I think Frank Tower is doing a fantastic job in his role of Mayor. First he was the final vote to fix a discrepancy in how sidewalks are installed. Now he as the Mayor is pushing to make a change in city hall and the way it runs. Many people say Wollangk was put in his job by the "good ol boys" network. Well I think the "good old boys" thought they had a lap dog with Frank Tower, but he’s showing they don’t! Way to go Frank. You rate really high marks in my book.
Anonymous, at August 26, 2007 7:30 PM
Blahblahblah. Can you say anything of substance or are you only capable of repeating a few paragraphs?
Anonymous, at August 26, 2007 11:15 PM
I think Frank Tower IS doing a fantastic job in his role of Mayor!
#1) He was the final vote to fix a discrepancy in how sidewalks are installed.
#2) He as the Mayor is helping to lead a major change at city hall.
Many people say Mr. Wollangk was put in his job by the "good ol’ boys" club. Well I think the "good ol’ boys" thought they had a lap dog with Frank Tower as Mayor, but he’s showing they certainly don’t! That must be a bitter pill for "good ol’ boys" membership to swallow.
Frank Tower and Bryan Bain are a new generation of civic leader. They do not embrace past practices of special interest groups. These are two bright intelligent leaders who have come to us just when we need some new blood brought into our city governing system.
You would never have seen the positive change we've witnessed in the past few months brought about by our previous council. The current majority on the council has swung in a different direction and you can see the results of that swing quite clearly!
I congratulate this group. I am further encouraged as I read this morning that even Jess King believes that we should look outside our city for an interim Manager. It appears even Ms. King wants to start fresh with new prospective even in a temporary City Manager role.
I'm thrilled to have these fine minds responsible to plot the future course to make our City one we can once again be proud of!
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 7:19 AM
Copy and paster strikes again. Talks a lot. Says little.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 7:25 AM
7:25 AM - You criticize allot and say even less!
At least 7:19 is being positive and giving praise where due.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 7:56 AM
It's the same thing with you over and over and over and over and over and over again. And not just here. It's everywhere. Your mantra is old and sound insincere when you do nothing but repeat yourself. You're probably the same gold-plated benefits poster from last year.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 8:08 AM
The thing is one of the same people you keep praising as being in this great group (Dennis McHugh) is perfectly content to use someone from city hall as an interim. So the message is "We don't like what we have in city hall but let's use someone from there to fill shoes for a while." That's doubletalk.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 8:14 AM
The thing that has been said about the current council is that you can never put them in a compartment. Any vote might end up in a variety of results. You don't get the standard 5-2 votes that you saw with the previous group. You talk about McHugh. Well you see none of our council members are being identified for Saint Hood. Each has flaws and at one time or another I'm sure we all disagreed with some stand. BUT the way I see it, we seem to now have at least a consensus of council members that will lead this city forward. We have been able to get a majority of votes, on several key issues to begin the re-building process. I doubt that in the previous council we would have received the vote majority. THAT is what excites me! I'm not totally a Jess King supporter, but I admire her position on looking outside of Oshkosh for a Manager. I'm a bit of a McHugh supporter, but I thought the Cottonwood thing was odd. This is a unique group and I like the way they're moving Oshkosh forward.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 8:25 AM
Some micromanage too much and that will bog things down. As for whether or not we're moving forward, moving in a direction that you applaud doesn't necessarily mean it's a forward direction. It's much too soon to tell if this is a forward-moving council or one that will clog the wheels at city hall.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 8:42 AM
8:42 - You seem to have a totally different perception of City Hall than the universally held theory that City Hall is dreadfully broken.
You said:
"...forward-moving council or one that will clog the wheels at city hall."
Clog the wheels at City Hall?
We'd be in good shape if the wheels were only "clogged"!
The wheels at city hall are totally off the wagon! This council is moving to correct that problem. I commend them!
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 9:17 AM
Bravo for having the ability to take only one sentence and then present it out of context. If that's the kind of visionary attitude you're hoping to find in a future leader, you'll have no trouble. That won't lead Oshkosh into the future though.
I think what some of you are saying is you want someone in a management position who possesses YOUR vision and that of Misters Esslinger, McHugh and Palmeri. that will lead us nowhere but back in time.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 11:18 AM
This "no-nonsense" person should be really versed on dealing with unions too. All the city employees are unions and wages and benefits are the biggest part of our city budget. I know there are laws, but I think Wollangk and crew was to easy. We do need somebody with a different taxpayer focused view on negotiations, especially with healthcare costs skyrocketing. That might not fly too well with Palmeri.
Anonymous, at August 27, 2007 12:14 PM
Per today's O.N.W., it will require 6 of 7 Council votes to get the Mayor/Alderman referendum on this Nov. ballot. I think it's quite clear this will not be on the ballot! Forgive my ignorance, but were others aware it was not a 4-3 vote? On good source I was told as of a few days ago there were 3-3 with Bryan being the wild card. According to Stew R. of the O.N.W., Jane Van de Hey's name has popped up as a possible interim City Mgr. Interesting.... So guess we're looking at the continuance of City Mgr./Council form of Municipal Government.
Anonymous, at August 28, 2007 10:50 AM
Here’s the thing, as of right now, there doesn't appear to be enough voter support to change from a City Manager to a Strong Mayor...BUT if a referenda question is not placed on the ballot in November to confirm that, a group like CORD may arise and collect names to force a referenda. If that happens, any good candidate will withdraw their name just as we saw in 1996.
Although I'm not for spending money, the money spent to put this on a November ballot and have it cleared up, will likely give us the ability to attract even better candidates. They will know Oshkosh is serious about selecting a highly competent, charismatic, strong, visionary, no-nonsense leader.
Anonymous, at August 28, 2007 11:50 AM
Jane Van de Hey??? Please, she couldn't run the county without lying and kissing everyone's rear ends if she thought that would keep them on her side. She's infamous for playing both sides against the middle. We don't need that in the city. She could not get along with the county board supervisors and she will not get along with the city council members, except people like Esslinger, McHugh, and Palmeri. She will never get named as an interim anything.
Anonymous, at August 28, 2007 3:18 PM
11:50 A.M. Good points and I certainly agree this issue needs to get out there and settled once and for all! I'm not sure but wasn't it a group like CORD that gathered solicted a lot of signatures to downsize the Co. Board that went shall we say "disregarded"? Of course that's at the Co. level but would the City be able to do the same? I don't think so but am confused so any info. you, or others, can provide, thank you. I do think there's concern re. the typical 10% voter turn out in Oshkosh; not a good representation. As well, the University students who do not live in Oshkosh I doubt care one way or another. The student voter turn out is poor as is. I sometimes think it would take prohition, yes or no to rile some of those folks up!
Anonymous, at August 28, 2007 6:20 PM
I was dumbfounded last night as I watched McHugh grill Allyn Danhoff. Some of the questions he asked, especially about the use of cell phones and why the numbers aren't public, were amazingly stupid. This guy's view of city politics and where the city should go are backwards. He epitomizes what wrong with Oshkosh and why new businesses are hard to attract here.
Anonymous, at August 29, 2007 1:30 PM
1:30. You must live in a bubble. Tough, hard, pointed questions are asked in the business world each and every day. As a manufacturing supervisor I am often "grilled" by my plant manager and the operations manager on details that occur on my shift. Some seem minor to me, but they are my bosses so I have to answer. I didn't see the meeting but I think more tough questions should be asked of EVERY city employee. I think thats a reason that Dick Wollangk isnt manager anymore. Our council people should never fear asking tough probing questions to the employees in the city. They may not like it, sometimes I don't either but its all part of running a business or a city I guess.
Anonymous, at August 29, 2007 2:14 PM
Tough probing questions are one thing. Questions just to try "catching" someone doing something wrong is quite another. McHugh should be ashamed of himself. And BTW, if you're going to ask questions there's a respectful way of doing it and a rude way. It's easy to see the way McHugh enjoys. It's the same style we saw from Esslinger with the guy from the DOT. These 2 are poor excuses for city councilors.
Anonymous, at August 29, 2007 3:17 PM
2:14, you're an interesting fellow. You didn't see the meeting, you didn't see how McHugh asked the questions, nor do you even know what questions he asked, and yet you say I live in a bubble? Are you kidding me?
Anonymous, at August 29, 2007 3:52 PM
3:52 you are all about bashing Esslinger or McHugh.
I think they are alright in my book and so do alot of other people in Oshkosh. Dennis is never afraid to put himself out there and ask the questions many like me are thinking of. Of course you have devine knowledge of every issue so you never need to ask questions, you just sit back with all the answers and take pot shots at these 2 guys who are working hard for us average taxpayers. Your belittling comments just drive a class wedge deeper in the city. If I was the city manager, I'd want a council that would challenge me. Thats there job. They shouldn't just rubber stamp stuff, if that was all they did we wouldn't need them. So go write your hate mail and put it in an envelope addressed to yourself. Maybe that'll give you time to cool off and get your head screwed on straight.
Anonymous, at August 29, 2007 6:33 PM
6:33-- feel better now? Got your panties straightened out?
Anonymous, at August 29, 2007 8:48 PM
This is FUNNY!!
The same guy posting negative stuff in two different blogs:
(The Questioning Everything Blog)
"...Sounds like you've got your jockey shorts in such a wad..."
7:04 PM, August 29, 2007
(The Bain Blog)
"...Got your panties straightened out?"
August 29, 2007 8:48 PM
Hummm....Jockey Shorts and Panties huh. Sounds like this poster has a bit of an obsession then doesn't it?
I wonder if he was at the Minneapolis airport in June? If he was, I read that Larry Craig wants his phone number!
Too Funny!!
Anonymous, at August 29, 2007 9:28 PM
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