
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Miller's Bay funding

There has been a lot of attention recently given to the weed problem in Miller's Bay, and rightfully so. I talked with State Representative Gordon Hintz today and, as reported on the Oshkosh Northwestern's website, he has worked to convince the State Senate to earmark $25,000 of already existing funding (not new taxes) to help combat the problem. This is great news, however, in order for the city to receive the money, it must be in the budget signed by the Governor. With a Democratic Senate and Republican Assembly, who knows what will make it to the Governor.

I appreciate Gordon's efforts in helping the city deal with this problem.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

State of the City and Country USA

Last night, City Manager Richard Wollangk delivered the first State of the City address. This was part of his 2007 goals prepared for him by the Common Council. His presentation is available on the city's website.

I received a couple of phone calls and emails complaining about the noise from Country USA. I've spoken with the City Manager about it. He said that since the grounds are in the Town of Nekimi, the facility falls under Winnebago County Zoning Ordinances. I encourage residents who had issues with the event to contact their County Board Supervisor.


May 29th FTF Notes

I just posted the notes from the May 29th Fifth Tuesday Forum on my website. The next Fifth Tuesday Forum is July 31st at 6:00 p.m. at a location to be determined.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Water and sewer rates

At the June 26th meeting, the council will decide on whether or not to raise the water and sewer rates. As indicated in a letter from Finance Director Ed Nokes to City Manager Richard Wollangk, the water rates are proposed to be increased by 16.9% and sewer rates by 19.8%. I cannot get the URL for the letter to link properly. To view it, go to the city's website and click on "Water and Sewer Rates" under "Headlines" on the right hand column, or copy and paste the following URL into your web browser:'07.pdf.

Bottom line: The average residential user will see a $6.70 per month, or $20.10 per quarter (billing cycle), increase.

At the June 12th meeting, the council voted to lay over the water rate increase resolution in order to receive further information, such as does the increase have to be 16.9% and could the increase be spread out over two or three years.

In our most recent Friday council packet, we received a memo from John Mayer, the city's rate consultant, answering our questions and providing further information to consider. (I thought it would be helpful for citizens to see the memo so I now have it on my website - see above link.)

According to the memo, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, or PSC, considers itself as the final authority in determining the water rates - sewer rates are set by the council and do not receive approval from the PSC - and seemed to question why the council was voting on the issue. It also was determined that the rate must be implemented all at once.

Definitely some interesting information to consider before the next council meeting. Please read the memo and share your thoughts here for discussion purposes or email me directly.
