
Friday, June 23, 2006

WDC and "the ban"

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a well respected and nonpartisan, political watchdog group, has recently come out against the proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and all civil unions on the grounds that:

  • Wisconsin’s Constitution should not be used as an instrument of discrimination.
  • The process of amending the Constitution should not be used as an end-run around the normal lawmaking process.
  • The Constitution should not be used by any candidate for public office, political party or interest group to gain an electoral advantage.
You can read more about it here. There is also a very unique argument made by "Rachel in Wisconsin" against the ban on Daily Kos.

I have blogged on this topic before: here, here, here and here. I am happy to see the WDC take a solid stand against the proposal. To learn more about why you should vote NO in NOvember, visit the Fair Wisconsin website.



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